Hiatus Hernia Hong Kong What Are The Symptoms Of A Hiatus Hernia?

What are the symptoms of a hiatus hernia? - hiatus hernia hong kong

What does it mean when the stomach hurts and feels bad when they drink juice or water ........ Is this a sign of a hiatal hernia?


Taylor M said...


The most common symptom is heartburn. Much time is also pain in the chest and regurgitation (vomiting), Essen.

But what is a hiatal hernia? What is a break?

The gap is) the connection between the stomach and esophagus (gullet. The stomach contains a strong acid called hydrochloric acid ", but also secretes juices that help substances from the intestine.
You tell me, why not digested by the secretion of stomach?
Because the lining of the stomach is specially designed not to be affected by secretions, although causing the secretion of stomach some beakdown in foods such as meat is added. This is due to the fact that more mucus forms a mechanical barrier protecting the stomach lining.

A hiatal hernia is when part of the stomach protrudes or "slipped" in the lower esophagus.

Thus, the "valve" between the stomach and esophagus, "leakage" and the symptoms are caused by refluxThe digestive secretions and food from the stomach into the esophagus.

The esophagus is not tolerant of the same lining of the stomach, which explains covered why the secretion of gastric wall injury of the esophagus, causing excruciating pain.

Food regurgitaton cause reflux (vomiting, slow or passive) of food, especially when the stomach is full to excess.

In the long term, a hiatal hernia can cause mutations in cells of the lower esophagus, which can become malignant. This condition is called Barrett's esophagus and is considered precursors of colon cancer.

To answer your question: No, the variety of symptoms that you are compatible with
1. Gastritis.
2. Gastric ulcer.

kiki said...

It could be a sign of a hiatal hernia. Here is a part of an article I found on Yahoo Health.

Signs and symptoms

Most small hiatal hernias do not cause problems. Since the large hernias May cause heartburn, regurgitation or chest pain when stomach acids back) into the gullet (esophagus. These signs and symptoms worsen when you bend forward, lift master, heavy objects or lie down, and can also worsen during pregnancy.

In rare cases, the part of the stomach is inserted into the chest cavity twisted (strangulated) or the blood supply is cut off, which in:

Severe chest pain
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
Esophageal obstruction

I have a few days and are terrible, and others are not so bad. I'm helping on Nexium twice a day to return to. I had an endoscopy, a few weeks, when I was diagnosed.

NurseBun... said...

The most common symptom is heartburn or reflux. And this is a hiatal hernia, you know! :)

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